Criminal law
Shoplifting can have criminal law consequences. This means if store security catches you shoplifting, the police might be called and you might be charged with a crime. But often the store doesn't call the police and no criminal charges are laid. Instead, store security makes an internal report for their records, and you can leave shortly after they fill in some forms about what happened.
Stores are open to the public but they count as private spaces. That means their owners or authorized operators can refuse entry to anyone they want (unless their reasons violate (break) the BC Human Rights Code. If you steal from a store, or even if you just try to steal from it, store security might give you a Notice Prohibiting Entry. This form says you can't go back into that store for a certain length of time (usually a year). If you do go back in it, you could be charged and fined under the BC Trespass Act.
If you're charged with a crime, call Legal Aid to see if you can get free legal help. If not, call a few criminal lawyers and speak to them about your problem. Criminal lawyers charge very different fees and might have different opinions about your case. Make sure you hire someone who'll listen to what you have to say about your situation and your life story and spend time looking at the evidence in your case.
Civil law
Shoplifting can have civil law consequences in addition to or instead of criminal law consequences. This means if store security catches you shoplifting, the store can start a civil court action to sue you for their shoplifting costs (their investigation and loss prevention expenses). Before you leave the store, store security might give you a Notice of Intended Legal Action. Sometime after you receive the notice, the store will mail you a letter demanding payment, usually between $300 and $800. Usually, the store will have the things you stole and isn't claiming their value.
Usually you can ignore these civil demand letters if they come in the mail because the store (not you) has to prove the claims made in the letter. Also, a store can sue a shoplifter in court, but it's often not worth it for the store. The amount of money a court would order you to pay is often less than the cost of going to court. But if you're served with (personally given) court documents, don't ignore them. Get legal advice right away (see Where to get legal advice, below).
Sometimes a civil demand letter arrives after you've been charged with a crime. Whether you pay the amount demanded or not doesn't affect whether Crown counsel (the prosecutor) will carry on with the criminal charges or not, or what sort of sentence the criminal court will give you if you're found guilty of a crime. The civil and criminal sides of the matter are separate.