Contact info:
Call or text: 1-800-563-0808
More info:
VictimLink BC provides services in over 110 languages, including 17 Aboriginal languages. Even if you're not sure if you've been a victim of crime, you can call VictimLink BC for assistance. Your call will be completely confidential.
VictimLink BC victim support workers provide information and referrals to all victims of crime. They also provide crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including:
- sexual assault,
- violence in relationships,
- elder abuse, and
- adult survivors of physical or sexual abuse.
They connect people to a network of community, social, health, justice, and government resources, including:
- victim services,
- transition houses, and
- counselling resources.
They also provide information on:
- the justice system,
- relevant federal and provincial legislation and programs,
- crime prevention,
- safety planning,
- protection order registry, and
- other resources as needed